So, I have a follow-up today with Dr.'s actually my regular appointment time, but since we added a session on Tuesday this week, it's like a bonus! I have been practicing in my head what I want to say. I know that probably sounds weird, but it's the only way that I can get things out when I get to session. Otherwise, despite the fact that I feel super comfortable with her, I won't be able to say a thing. It's like an alternative personality comes out and takes over. I need to remember to talk to her about how manic I felt on Wednesday, and how, even though I know that I am in a MUCH better place than I was on Monday, I am still feeling really blah.
I am, however, super excited for next week already! Both L and Big A have birthdays, and it's bound to be a fun filled week! I am going to make Big A, who turns 6 on Tuesday, a pink lemonade cake and I am going to make my not-so-baby-anymore 7 year old, L, a purple cake for Thursday! We then have two birthday parties for friends next week, so by Sunday we will be ready to crash and relax....perhaps it will call for a day at the beach.....
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